The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic

USD $10.00USD $14.99

An educational film about the largest permaculture orchard in eastern North America and on the future of fruit growing.

The Permaculture Orchard : Beyond Organic is a feature-length educational film that will teach you how to set up your own permaculture orchard at any scale. Recognizing the limitations of the organic model as a substitute to conventional fruit growing, this film proposes a more holistic, regenerative approach based on permaculture principles.

Based on 20 years of applied theory and trial and error, biologist and educator Stefan Sobkowiak shares his experience transforming a conventional apple orchard into an abundance of biodiversity that virtually takes care of itself. The concepts, techniques and tips presented in this film will help you with your own project, whether it is just a few fruit trees in your urban backyard, or a full-scale multi-acre commercial orchard.

Beautiful, full of hard-won information, humble, practical.

Eric Toensmeier / author of Paradise Lot

A visually appealing film that delivers at both the environmental and economic level, while setting the stage for a new modern standard for commercial fruit production.

Jenn Jennings /

Film contents

  • creating habitat for birds / pollinators
  • natural pest control techniques
  • the trio system / plant combinations
  • the shrub herbaceous layers
  • seed planting of annuals
  • planting fruit trees / drainage considerations
  • tree training vs. pruning
  • grafting / overgrafting
  • creating habitat for birds / pollinators
  • natural pest control techniques
  • the trio system / plant combinations
  • the shrub herbaceous layers
  • seed planting of annuals
  • planting fruit trees / drainage considerations
  • tree training vs. pruning
  • grafting / overgrafting
  • starting your own trees vs. buying trees
  • mulch options with a focus on plastic mulch and why/how
  • drip irrigation
  • the importance of cultivar selection
  • the grocery aisle concept
  • spraying / fungi control
  • tree protection
  • frost protection

Trained as a biologist and landscape architect, Stefan Sobkowiak has taught fruit production, landscape plants and design, and natural history of vertebrates at Montreal’s McGill University. He owned a landscape design firm for 20 years, developping hundreds of projects for private, institutional and municipal clients. He’s been teaching permaculture in Quebec since 1995 and has given numerous presentations and workshops in Europe, New Zealand, United States and Canada.

Stefan is the owner of Miracle Farms since 1993.

469 reviews for The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic

  1. Catharine k.

    So far so good! have not watched all yet as there is so much detail but I am motivated to start my own Northern BC Orchard and have borrowed a few permaculture principles for our organic gardens. I found the film so far to be very inspiring! Thank you!

  2. Rod W.

    Very informative totally worth the cost of admission. Strongly recommend to anyone interested in growing fruit trees.

  3. Duncan M.

    Excellent DVD! Every household should have one, to teach people how to take care of themselves by growing and eating wholesome healthy foods that are grown the natural way – just like in the Permaculture Orchard.

    Duncan McMillan

  4. Donal M.

    Thumbs up! Thanks for your work!

  5. Pip N.

    Excellent, incredibly helpful and instructive, am studying hard as I set up my own permaculture orchard.

  6. Brett L.

    Great movie, very informative and practical. I have learned from it and already implemented knowledge from the film. Thanks a lot!

  7. Thomas G.

    There is lots of books and videos available on food forrest and forrest gardens but nothing I know is as inspiring, clear, and viable, than what Stefan Sobkowiak presents in “The Permaculture Orchard”
    Each chapter leads you through a new aspects of this amazing orchard, with loads of practical information and ideas how to maintain a property of any size in a temperate climate.
    I really hope, there will come more books and films by him -he is such a brilliant and congenial teacher and practitioner. This film is really a must for anyone interesting in growing things in a better way,
    and a reference to come back to for many many years !

  8. Рустам Р.

    Очень грамотный фильм. Узнал много нового для себя.

  9. Jill K.

    Fantastic film. Thank you so much! I’d love for you to create more films!!

  10. Laura C.

    Very informative. So glad I made this purchase

  11. Greg V.

    I just finished Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Design Certification course. In finishing my design exercise, I found the information in this video indispensable for explaining how swale orchards are organized, and why, including the species planted.

    In this video, Stefan generously shares his hard-won knowledge of permaculture orchard techniques. The presentation is excellent and information is extensive. I feel confident I can set up a sustainable and labor saving orchard just by understanding the principles he lays out so clearly and watching how he does grafting, tree planting and pruning. He has figured out how to set up his rows so everything is harvested in each row at the same time.This video is an indispensable piece of the permaculture system and is a permanent part of my library. The music is fun also.

  12. Fabio

    Very informative and enjoyable to watch.

  13. Ulyan C.

    Very useful movie!

  14. iya s.

    right info at right time ))

  15. Татьяна М.

    Thank you very much. It is useful and brilliantly.

  16. Tatiana B.

    Very inspiring video made by professionals

  17. Cindy P.

    Wonderful! Must have!

  18. Tom L.

    I wish this video had been available before I planted my first tree. This is a common sense, step by step, no nonsense approach to creating a healthy planting.

  19. Nichola G.

    Haven’t watched it. I brought this but I think because my computer went to sleep downloading, it didn’t fully download and when I tried again it wouldn’t let me.

  20. Carol H.

    Fantastic thankyou.

  21. Roy L.

    It was great, we really enjoyed it. So very relevant to us since we are in the Ottawa valley.

  22. Juliet P.


  23. John C.

    This is a very professionally compiled production of a successful permaculture farm in southern Quebec. It offers many thought provoking ideas and is a film that can be watched many times.

  24. ruth

    Inspiring and informative, loved it thanks!

  25. Anthony H.

    Excellent film! Highly recommend.

  26. brian g.

    Great capture of the design and science ofpermaculture with catchy music too.
    Well worth the money. Please let me know of any other items you have for sale or weekend workshops.
    Brian in zone 4-5

  27. K H.

    I’ve watched half of it now, and love what I’ve seen. I am working about 18 hours per day, which is why I haven’t seen the rest yet, but I thoroughly look forward to it, too! As a filmmaker, I really enjoy the production quality as well as the storytelling – the content is good, concise, well planned and edited. I’ve seen so many poor productions with potentially good content, so this is a real treat, you’ve done a great job!

  28. Steve M.

    Excellent production, clear and informative.

  29. Sue G.

    loved it

  30. Катя Е.

    Яркий и красочный, очень качественно сделан. В фильме дана исключительно практическая информация простым и доступным языком, много полезных советов. Рекомендую приобрести этот фильм каждому пермакультуристу, фильм того стоит!

  31. Raewyn W.

    Ok to watch in short bursts. Good information, interesting.

  32. Jared W.

    Love it! Thanks for the great video!

  33. Nandor T.

    Great video with lots of interesting and helpful information. We watched it in a group which I think made it even more useful because of the great discussion and knowledge sharing it inspired.

  34. ronan w.

    Great video, educational, inspiring and beautiful to watch

  35. Валерий Го

    С огромным интересом посмотрел этот фильм! В нем показано как очень просто и доступно всем превратить нашу планету в райский сад! Его надо смотреть коллективно, а главное – это реализовывать!

  36. Jim L.

    Just the book I was looking for. I disagree with other reviews talking about an un focused meandering narrative. It is written in an easy to read style. It is deeper than a single read. It is a book that I will refer to over and over in the coming years. I’d buy it again in a heartbeat! Wonderfull.

  37. Michael B.

    Great presentation and easy to follow. Well executed design, integrating permaculture into conventional orchard layout and management.

  38. Barbara J.

    The most informative, valuable video I have ever watched; both theoretical and practical

  39. Richard P.

    Excellent holistic design with good tips for pruning and other orchard management practices.

  40. anna r.

    Its a fantastic blow by blow account of all Stefan has done within his permaculture orchard. The explanations behind Stefan’s logic are interesting, loaded with great facts and there’s a bit of humour in there too. Inspiring, beautiful, and food for thought. Thank you!

  41. William D.

    I have watched almost every online pdc, dvd, or YouTube video on or about permaculture. I have studied with sepp holzer personally and worked within organic agriculture for the last 5 years. The permaculture orchard is the most straight forward no nonsense tutorial on starting a food forest business I have come across. Bravo and I look forward to supporting your future endeavors!

  42. Uili F.

    Fantastic, so much in the film.

  43. Angelica P.

    I enjoyed the movie very much! It was well made, visually appealing, informative and educational. I learned a lot! Thank you Stefan, for sharing what you you have learned.

  44. Eija V.

    I think it is just great, inspiring and informative thank you! I have already ordered my first 20 rootstocks! Just waiting for the snow to melt and building birdhouses meanwhile but then I am just going to start building my own paradise! BR Eija

  45. Samuel D.

    Very informative video that gives the key information on a very wide range of subjects efficiently. Stefan doesn’t just show you his orchard, rather he shows you how to make one. Excellent focus.

  46. Jan J.

    Inspiring, informative, beautifully filmed and edited with great music to complement the information and experience.

  47. Liz

    Really interesting and informative. Some excellent practical help with setting up a permaculture system that really works.

  48. Joanne S.

    What an excellent film! I’m very happy with the knowledge and skills shared, and it’s already helped me with an orchard/food forest design I’m completing.

  49. Joy M.

    Thank you
    A great educational film.

  50. Jennifer K.

    Excellent DVD! Learnt heaps about permaculture orchards!

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